Oops All Golf

  • Released 2022

  • Studio: Game Jam / Blue Base Games

  • Platforms: PC

  • My Role: Designer / Level Design

  • Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Summary of Contributions

Oops All Golf was a 72hr game jam project completed by myself, Richard Thorogood, and Nathaniel Dias.

The concept of the game is a mash-up between golf and kart racing. Players need to be the first to reach the goal to win. Controls are that of a golf game, where players control their shot power and shot direction. The twist is, unlike traditional golf, everyone can shoot any time they want including while in the air. Players race across the course, trying to hit their opponents and send them flying off the course in a frenetic real time golf race

We reimagined the “ball” as the character itself and when you come to a stop you’ll see the ball split in half and the character inside pop out.

I came up with the concept for the game, worked on the character controller, and worked on the level design(s) of the courses.

Completed within 72hrs for the Toronto Game Jam. Project was online multiplayer build in Unreal Engine 4.

Available to download / play on itch.io